Energy efficiency is a top priority for many households in the UK, as energy bills continue to rise. Fridges are one of the most energy-consuming appliances in a home, accounting for around 7% of the electricity used in a typical UK household. As such, it’s important to choose an energy-efficient fridge that can help you save on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint.

When it comes to energy-efficient fridges, there are many factors to consider, including the brand, type, size, and features. Some of the top brands for energy-efficient fridges in the UK include Samsung, LG, and Bosch, which offer a range of models with excellent energy ratings. In addition to brand, it’s important to consider the type of fridge, such as a top-freezer or bottom-freezer model, as well as the size, as larger fridges tend to consume more energy.

Overall, finding the most energy-efficient fridge in the UK requires careful consideration of various factors, including brand, type, size, and features. By doing your research and choosing a model with a high energy rating, you can save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint.

Understanding Energy Efficiency in Fridges

When it comes to purchasing a new fridge, understanding energy efficiency ratings is crucial. Not only does it help you save money on your energy bills, but it also reduces your carbon footprint. In the UK, fridges are rated on a scale from A to G, with A being the most energy efficient and G being the least.

The energy rating is determined by measuring the fridge’s energy consumption over a set period. The lower the energy consumption, the higher the rating. Fridges with higher ratings are more energy efficient and will save you money in the long run.

In March 2021, the UK government introduced new energy labels for fridges. The new labels are designed to be more user-friendly and informative, providing consumers with a clearer understanding of the fridge’s energy efficiency. The new labels are colour-coded and use a simple A to G rating system.

Before March 2021, you might have seen fridge-freezers on the market with energy ratings like A++ and A+++. These ratings are no longer used. The new system, from A to G, is a lot more accurate. Each rating also has its own colour. A is the darkest shade of green, while G is red.

When purchasing a new fridge, it’s important to consider the size of the appliance. Larger fridges generally consume more energy than smaller ones. However, a larger fridge may be more energy efficient if it has a higher rating. It’s also important to consider the features of the fridge, such as whether it has a frost-free freezer or an energy-saving mode.

In conclusion, understanding energy efficiency ratings is essential when purchasing a new fridge. The new energy labels introduced in March 2021 provide consumers with a clearer understanding of the fridge’s energy efficiency. When choosing a fridge, consider the size and features of the appliance, as well as its energy rating. By choosing an energy-efficient fridge, you can save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint.

Top Energy Efficient Fridge Brands in the UK

When it comes to energy-efficient fridges in the UK, there are several brands that stand out from the rest. These brands not only offer top-of-the-line features but also boast impressive energy efficiency ratings. Here are some of the top energy-efficient fridge brands in the UK:


Samsung is a well-known manufacturer of consumer electronics and appliances. They offer a range of energy-efficient fridges that are designed to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint. Samsung’s fridges are equipped with features such as digital inverter compressors and LED lighting, which help to reduce energy consumption.


LG is another popular brand that offers a range of energy-efficient fridges in the UK. LG’s fridges are designed with features such as smart inverter compressors and door-mounted ice makers, which help to reduce energy consumption. Additionally, LG’s fridges are equipped with a range of smart features, such as Wi-Fi connectivity and voice control, making them a popular choice among tech-savvy consumers.


Bosch is a well-known manufacturer of home appliances, and their KGE49AICAG fridge is one of the most energy-efficient fridges available in the UK. This fridge boasts an impressive A+++ energy efficiency rating, and is equipped with features such as a NoFrost freezer and LED lighting, which help to reduce energy consumption.


Baumatic is a lesser-known brand in the UK, but they offer a range of energy-efficient fridges that are worth considering. Baumatic’s fridges are equipped with features such as frost-free technology and adjustable shelves, which help to reduce energy consumption. Additionally, Baumatic’s fridges are designed with a sleek and modern aesthetic, making them a popular choice among consumers who value style as well as energy efficiency.

In conclusion, when it comes to energy-efficient fridges in the UK, there are several brands that stand out from the rest. Samsung, LG, Bosch, and Baumatic are all popular choices among consumers who value energy efficiency and top-of-the-line features.

Key Features of Energy Efficient Fridges

When shopping for an energy-efficient fridge in the UK, there are several key features that buyers should look for. Here are some of the most important features to consider:

Temperature Control

One of the most important features of any fridge is its ability to maintain a consistent temperature. Energy-efficient fridges typically use advanced temperature control systems to keep food fresh for longer while using less energy. Some models even feature separate temperature zones for different types of food, such as a dedicated drawer for fruits and vegetables.

Frost-Free Technology

Many energy-efficient fridge freezers feature frost-free technology, which eliminates the need for manual defrosting. This not only saves time and effort but also reduces energy consumption by preventing ice buildup that can interfere with the fridge’s cooling system.

Freestanding vs. Integrated

Energy-efficient fridges are available in both freestanding and integrated models. Freestanding fridges are typically easier to install and can be moved around as needed, while integrated models are designed to blend seamlessly into the kitchen decor for a sleek, modern look.

Water Dispenser

Some energy-efficient fridges come with a built-in water dispenser, which provides easy access to chilled water without the need for a separate dispenser or pitcher. This feature is especially useful during hot summer months when staying hydrated is essential.

American-Style Fridges

For larger households or those who love to entertain, an American-style fridge can be a great choice. These fridges are typically larger than standard models and feature additional storage space, such as a dedicated freezer compartment and a built-in ice maker.

Holiday Mode

Many energy-efficient fridges come with a holiday mode, which reduces energy consumption when the fridge is not in use for an extended period. This feature is especially useful for those who travel frequently or have a second home that is not used year-round.

Door Alarm

Finally, many energy-efficient fridges feature a door alarm, which alerts users when the fridge door has been left open for too long. This not only helps to prevent food spoilage but also saves energy by reducing the amount of time the fridge needs to run to maintain its temperature.

Overall, when shopping for an energy-efficient fridge in the UK, buyers should look for models that offer advanced temperature control, frost-free technology, and a range of useful features such as a water dispenser, holiday mode, and door alarm.

The Impact of Fridge Size and Type on Energy Efficiency

When it comes to the energy efficiency of fridges, size and type play a significant role. Larger fridges and fridge-freezers tend to use more energy than smaller models, as they require more power to maintain their temperature. Additionally, models with a freezer compartment tend to use more energy than those without.

Defrosting is another factor to consider. Manual defrosting models tend to be more energy-efficient than automatic defrosting models, as they do not require energy to power the defrosting process. However, manual defrosting models require more maintenance and can be more time-consuming to clean.

Chest freezers are generally more energy-efficient than upright freezers, as cold air tends to stay inside the chest freezer when opened. This means that chest freezers require less energy to maintain their temperature.

When it comes to fridge types, models with a single door tend to be more energy-efficient than those with double doors. This is because single-door models do not require as much energy to maintain their temperature, as there is less air exchange when the door is opened.

In terms of capacity, it is important to choose a fridge that is appropriately sized for your needs. A fridge that is too large for your household will use more energy than necessary, while a fridge that is too small may not provide enough storage space.

Overall, choosing an energy-efficient fridge or fridge-freezer can save you money on your energy bills in the long run. When shopping for a new fridge, be sure to look for models with high energy efficiency ratings and consider factors such as size, type, and defrosting method.

Cost Implications of Energy Efficient Fridges

When considering purchasing an energy efficient fridge, one of the main factors to consider is the cost implications. While energy efficient fridges may have a higher upfront cost, they can save money in the long run by reducing energy bills.

The annual running costs of a fridge can vary greatly depending on its energy efficiency rating and size. According to the Energy Saving Trust, a G-rated 265-litre fridge freezer could cost around £85 (65kgCO2e) a year to run, whereas a larger 424-litre fridge freezer with a better F rating could cost around £95 (70kgCO2e) a year to run. This means that upgrading to a more energy efficient fridge can save up to £10 per year on energy bills.

It’s also important to consider the cost implications of an old fridge. Fridges that are 10 years old or more are likely to be less energy efficient and could be costing more money on energy bills than necessary. Upgrading to a more energy efficient fridge could result in significant savings on energy bills over time.

When budgeting for a new fridge, it’s important to consider the price of the fridge in relation to its energy efficiency rating. While a more energy efficient fridge may have a higher upfront cost, the savings on energy bills over time can make it a worthwhile investment.

To calculate the annual running cost of a fridge, it’s important to consider the fridge’s energy consumption in kilowatt hours (kWh) per year. This information can usually be found on the fridge’s energy label. Multiplying the kWh per year by the cost of electricity per kWh can give an estimate of the annual running cost of the fridge.

In summary, upgrading to an energy efficient fridge can result in significant savings on energy bills over time. It’s important to consider the cost implications of an old fridge and to budget for a fridge with a good energy efficiency rating. By considering the annual running cost of a fridge and its energy consumption in kWh per year, consumers can make an informed decision on which fridge to purchase.

Eco and Sustainability Considerations

When considering which fridge to purchase, eco and sustainability considerations are becoming increasingly important for consumers. By choosing an energy-efficient fridge, consumers can reduce their carbon footprint and make a lower impact on the environment.

One of the most important factors to consider when purchasing an energy-efficient fridge is its energy rating. The most energy-efficient fridges are rated A+++, which means they use significantly less energy than lower-rated models. Consumers should look for fridges with this rating to ensure they are making a sustainable choice.

In addition to the energy rating, consumers should also consider the eco-friendliness of the fridge. Some manufacturers use materials that are more sustainable and have a lower impact on the environment. Eco buy fridges are a good choice for consumers who want to make a sustainable purchase.

Another consideration is food waste. By choosing a fridge with features that help to preserve food for longer, consumers can reduce the amount of food they waste. For example, some fridges have special compartments that keep vegetables and fruits fresh for longer.

Overall, when shopping for a fridge, consumers should look for models that are energy-efficient, eco-friendly, and have features that help to reduce food waste. By making a sustainable choice, consumers can reduce their carbon footprint and make a positive impact on the environment.

Product Reviews and Recommendations

When it comes to finding the most energy-efficient fridge in the UK, there are many options available. However, it can be challenging to determine which one is the best fit for your needs. Here are some product reviews and recommendations to help you make an informed decision.

Which? Best Buys

Which? is a reputable source for product reviews and recommendations. They have tested and reviewed various fridges and freezers to determine the most energy-efficient models. According to their latest review, the LG GBB92MCBAP is the best fridge for energy efficiency. This fridge scored an impressive 84% for energy efficiency, making it an excellent choice for those looking to reduce their energy bills.

Market Recommendations

The market is also a great place to find recommendations for the most energy-efficient fridge. Many retailers, such as Argos and Currys, offer a range of energy-efficient fridges with different features and price points. It’s essential to do your research and compare prices and features before making a purchase.


The LG GBB92MCBAP is a popular choice for those looking for an energy-efficient fridge. This fridge has an A++ energy rating and a total capacity of 341 litres, making it a great choice for families. It also has a range of features, including a smart diagnosis system, frost-free freezer, and a door-mounted ice maker.

Other Recommendations

Other fridges that are worth considering include the Bosch Serie 4 KGN39VIEA, which has an A++ energy rating and a total capacity of 366 litres. This fridge also has a range of features, including a frost-free freezer and a multi-airflow system to ensure even cooling throughout the fridge.

Another option is the Samsung RB31FDRNDSA, which has an A++ energy rating and a total capacity of 308 litres. This fridge also has a range of features, including a frost-free freezer and a door-mounted water dispenser.

Overall, when looking for the most energy-efficient fridge in the UK, it’s essential to consider a range of factors, including energy rating, capacity, and features. By doing your research and comparing different models, you can find a fridge that meets your needs and helps you save money on your energy bills.

Testing and Performance Measures

When it comes to finding the most energy-efficient fridge in the UK, testing and performance measures are crucial. Members of the public can rely on third-party testing organisations, such as Which?, to provide unbiased and accurate information.

One of the main factors to consider is energy consumption. Fridges with higher energy ratings tend to be more economical and environmentally friendly. Additionally, tests on the chilling and freezing power of fridges can determine how well they perform in keeping food fresh.

Noise level is another important factor to consider, as loud fridges can be disruptive in a home environment. Longevity rating is also important, as a fridge that lasts for many years is more cost-effective in the long run.

To ensure optimal performance, it is recommended to clean the condenser coils regularly. This can help to improve energy efficiency and extend the lifespan of the fridge.

When considering the most energy-efficient fridge in the UK, it is important to look for models with an energy rating of D or above. Frost-free freezers can also be more energy-efficient than those that require manual defrosting.

In terms of volumes, it is important to choose a fridge that suits the needs of the household. Larger fridges tend to use more energy, so it is important to strike a balance between size and energy efficiency.

Overall, testing and performance measures are essential for determining the most energy-efficient fridge in the UK. By considering factors such as energy consumption, chilling and freezing power, noise level, and longevity rating, consumers can make informed decisions when choosing a fridge that is both economical and environmentally friendly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most energy-efficient fridge freezer available in the UK?

The most energy-efficient fridge freezer available in the UK can vary depending on the size, brand, and features. However, some of the best energy-efficient models in the UK are the Beko CFG3552W, the Samsung RB31FDRNDSA, and the LG GBF61PZJZN.

Which fridge freezer has the best energy efficiency rating in the UK?

The fridge freezer with the best energy efficiency rating in the UK is one that has an A+++ rating. This means that it is the most energy-efficient and can save you money on your energy bills. Some of the best A+++ rated fridge freezers in the UK are the Bosch KGN39VWEAG, the LG GSX961NSVZ, and the Samsung RB34T632ESA.

What is the most efficient temperature for a fridge in the UK?

The most efficient temperature for a fridge in the UK is between 0 and 5 degrees Celsius. This is the recommended temperature range for food safety and can also help to reduce energy consumption.

Is it worth buying an A+++ rated fridge freezer in the UK?

Yes, it is worth buying an A+++ rated fridge freezer in the UK if you want to save money on your energy bills in the long run. Although A+++ rated fridge freezers can be more expensive initially, they use less energy and can save you money on your energy bills over time.

What are the benefits of an energy-efficient integrated fridge freezer in the UK?

The benefits of an energy-efficient integrated fridge freezer in the UK are that they can save you money on your energy bills, are better for the environment, and can help to keep your food fresher for longer. They can also be more aesthetically pleasing as they are built into your kitchen units.

Can a C-rated fridge freezer still be energy efficient in the UK?

Yes, a C-rated fridge freezer can still be energy efficient in the UK. However, it is important to note that a higher-rated fridge freezer will be more energy-efficient and can save you more money on your energy bills in the long run.